The Online Book Presentation: Developing Confirmation Work in Europe
on Monday, 25 November 2024, 16.00 – 19.00 h (CET)
has taken place with more than 70 participants from all over Europe.
The book publication on the third international study on confirmation
work is now available in an open access format. The research team behind the publication presented the book and its results during this online conference.

Ilg, Wolfgang / Hees, Manuela / Hellas, Eveliina / Rystad, Linn Sæbø / Schlag, Thomas / Simojoki, Henrik (editors) (2024):
Developing Confirmation Work in Europe. Empirical Findings and Perspectives for Post-Pandemic Times. The Third International Study.
Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
Open Access on
15.50 warm up with videos and photos on confirmation work (Hungary and Finland)
16.00 Welcoming words; rapid meeting in small groups
16.10 Introduction:
– A short history of European confirmation research
– Overview of the book “Developing Confirmation Work in Europe”
16.25 presentation of selected results (editorial team)
17.00 Questions and answers
17.15 introduction of workshops
17.20 coffee break
17.30 – 18.00 first round of workshops
18.05 – 18.35 second round of workshops
18.35 final session: sharing of important insights, feedback, looking into the future of confirmation work and confirmation research
19.00 end of the meeting
The following ten workshops will take place two times in the same way. You decide for your preferred workshops by chosing the respective breakout room within the Zoom meeting.
If you like, you can take a look into the relevant book chapters before:
Nr | topic | related book chapters | presenter(s) |
1 | Using Digital Media in Confirmation Time – Insights and Challenges | chapter 18 pp. 255-274 | Eveliina Hellas and Thomas Schlag |
2 | Distanced Confirmands – Opportunities and Challenges in Confirmation Work | chapter 22 pp. 321-340 | Fabienne Greuter |
3 | Gender Perspectives in Confirmation Work: male, female, and non-binary Adolescents | chapter 21 pp. 304-320 | Jouko Porkka and Kati Tervo-Niemelä |
4 | i-konf: A tool for enhancing the Participation of the Confirmands | chapter 5 pp. 57-72 see | Manuela Hees |
5 | The Future of Confirmation Research: Ideas and Initiatives | chapter 23.7 pp. 365-368 | Wolfgang Ilg |
6 | Practitioners’ Perspective – the Role of Research in developing Confirmation Work | Johanna Hirsto and Riikka Hillebrand | |
7 | Parents’ Perspectives on Confirmation Work. Insights from Switzerland | chapter 6.4 pp. 89-90 | Stefanie Lorenzen and Felicitas Held |
8 | Religiosity of the Confirmands and the Role of Confirmation Work in it | chapter 19 pp. 275-290 | Agnes Pángyánszky and Siba Balazs |
9 | Youth Agency and Learning | chapter 20 pp. 291-303 | Heidi Toivonen and Jari Pulkkinen |
10 | Quality Dimensions of Confirmation Work: How to implement them | chapter 4 pp. 46-56 | Henrik Simojoki |
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