An overview of the series “Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen und gestalten” (with books in German and English) published by Gütersloher Verlagshaus can be found here. See also the list of publications from the research project in Germany.

Book with results from the third international study

Ilg, Wolfgang / Hees, Manuela / Hellas, Eveliina / Rystad, Linn Sæbø / Schlag, Thomas / Simojoki, Henrik (editors) (2024): Developing Confirmation Work in Europe. Empirical findings and perspectives for post-pandemic times. The third international study.
ca. 350 Seiten / kartoniert, ca. € 59,00 (D) / € 60,70 (A) / CHF* 77,00, ISBN 978-3-579-08253-0 
will be published in summer 2024 by the Gütersloher Verlagshaus

The book will be available open access here immediately after publication.

The book can be ordered here with the order form.

English publications from the third study

Ilg, Wolfgang/ Schweitzer, Friedrich/ Simojoki, Henrik (2022): International Cooperative Research: Experiences and Insights from the Project on Confirmation Work in Europe. In International Journal of Practical Theology (IJPT) 26(1), 155-178, online:

Publications from participating countries

Book publication from the third study in Germany (2024) – free download

Book publication from the confirmation research project in Switzerland (2024) – announcement