First Study on Confirmation work in Europe (2007–2010)

The first study on confirmation work in Europe was conducted 2007-2008 and published in 2010. Its purpose was to gain a broad and detailed view of confirmation work in the seven participating countries – Germany, Austria, Switzerland (Zurich), Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The study included data from the confirmands as well as from the workers, both full-time workers and volunteers. It was designed to use two questionnaires, one at the beginning and one towards the end of confirmation time. It was an innovative study, among other reasons because of the large sample sizes (more than 28.000 respondents) and the attempt of achieving as much representativity as possible. Representative samples in the different countries are the presupposition for valid international comparisons, which were another central aim of the study.

Main publication:

Schweitzer, Friedrich / Ilg, Wolfgang / Simojoki, Henrik (Eds.) (2010): Confirmation Work in Europe: Empirical Results, Experiences and Challenges. A Comparative Study in Seven Countries, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.

Documents from the first study (mainly in German)